Week 6: That's a Wrap!As we go on, we remember all the times we had together! Wait, that’s copyrighted… Well, anyway it’s time to say goodbye to this...
THE ENDHow can it be over?!?!??!?! here's a video of our last day in the office... we're tired. After 6 intense weeks of pre production,...
WEEK 6: EMO HOURSSpending the beginning hours of Valentines day in an office editing this video. These little blog videos are worth it for me, though....
WEEK 6: can i stay?Hi, This is tamar & it is 23:02 on a Thursday February something, after much thought I decided I can't leave. there's so much...
week 5EDIT, EXPORT, REVISE, THEN EXPORT SOME MORE. That's what this week will consist of now that the production process is over. Editing may...